National Conference on Community Violence Prevention

This two-day conference will provide proven strategies and best practices for building community collaboration between state and local partners, law enforcement agencies, faith-based organizations, and the media to prevent/reduce community violence.


Who should attend this conference?

This conference is intended for Survivors of Violence, Advocates, Intervention Practitioners, Researchers, Policy Experts, Frontline Workers, Employees and Experts in the Fields of: Criminal Justice, Social Work, Public Policy, Law Enforcement, Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Healthcare

What will attendees gain from this conference?

Attendees will hear from leading experts in the violence prevention community, receive valuable information, toolkits and resources in the following arenas:

-Planning for community violence prevention

-Implementing community violence prevention strategies

-Importance of collaboration in public safety

-How to be trauma responsive in community responses

-Funding sources for coordinated community responses

Will continuing education credits be offered?

At this time, we are not offering continuing education credits. However, the conference will be so impactful and you'll walk away with toolkits that will help get you started with prevention best practices in your community.

What is Community Violence?

Community violence generally happens outside the home in public spaces. Most community violence involves a relatively small number of people as victims or perpetrators, but its effects impact entire communities, eroding public health, causing economic disruption, and contributing to lasting individual and community traumas. Mitigation efforts typically focus on high-risk individuals, gun violence, specific violent crime problems, as well as the historical and structural challenges that often result in community violence. Community violence Prevention consists of a coordinated multidisciplinary approach, community wide, that focuses on multiple systems using multiple strategies to reduce violence in a specific area (school violence, healthcare, gang violence, youth, domestic violence, gun violence)

What dates should I book my hotel for?

Conference registration begins on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:30 a.m. The conference concludes on Wednesday, September 13 at noon. It is recommended that you book your hotel for 2 nights: Check-in on Monday, September 11, and check-out on Wednesday, September 13. This is just a recommendation.

What is the minimum age to attend?

The minimum age to attend is 18 years old.

Presented by:

The National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence

Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence